SEND Code of Practice
2 CPD points
5 modules
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This course is separated into five modules of learning:
Module One: The SEND Code of Practice 2014
Module One explores the SEND Code of Practice 2014 and the key messages within it and will break down the key overall messages into manageable units of information and explore what the implications are in relation to everyday quality first teaching in the classroom. This module will also quickly look at whether any of the 2015 updates are relevant for your setting.
Module Two: The Four Broad Areas of SEN
Module Two explores the four broad areas of need as outlined by the SEND Code of Practice. Within the module, we will explore each area and, within that, what behaviour and need your pupils may display to enable you to accurately categorise the SEND within your school population.
Module Three: SEN Provision - The Graduated Approach, Roles and Responsibilities
Module Three will explore the graduated approach for ‘SEN Support’ in school by exploring the four-part cycle of ‘assess, plan, do, review’ followed by a look at Education, Health and Care Plans or “EHCPs”. This module will also look at the roles and responsibilities of class teachers and Special Educational Needs Coordinators or “SENCOs”.
Module Four: Policies, Practice and Procedures
Module Four will cover the policies, practice and procedure relating to SEND and outlines exactly what a school must publish online. Throughout this module, we will explore admissions, provision for pupils with SEN or disabilities, inclusion, reasonable adjustments, staffing requirements and working with parents. It will also cover what must be legally published on the school website, including policy, the local offer, accessibility plans and the SEND Information Report.
Module Five: Implications and Expectations for Pupils with Autism
Module Five discusses the Autism-specific expectations set out in the SEN code and what the implications are for pupils with autism in your classroom and gives achievable suggestions for what this might look like on a day-to-day basis in the classroom.
Study time: 20 mins
Module One: The SEND Code of Practice 2014
Module One explores the SEND Code of Practice 2014 and the key messages within it and will break down the key overall messages into manageable units of information and explore what the implications are in relation to everyday quality first teaching in the classroom. This module will also quickly look at whether any of the 2015 updates are relevant for your setting.
Module Two: The Four Broad Areas of SEN
Module Two explores the four broad areas of need as outlined by the SEND Code of Practice. Within the module, we will explore each area and, within that, what behaviour and need your pupils may display to enable you to accurately categorise the SEND within your school population.
Module Three: SEN Provision - The Graduated Approach, Roles and Responsibilities
Module Three will explore the graduated approach for ‘SEN Support’ in school by exploring the four-part cycle of ‘assess, plan, do, review’ followed by a look at Education, Health and Care Plans or “EHCPs”. This module will also look at the roles and responsibilities of class teachers and Special Educational Needs Coordinators or “SENCOs”.
Module Four: Policies, Practice and Procedures
Module Four will cover the policies, practice and procedure relating to SEND and outlines exactly what a school must publish online. Throughout this module, we will explore admissions, provision for pupils with SEN or disabilities, inclusion, reasonable adjustments, staffing requirements and working with parents. It will also cover what must be legally published on the school website, including policy, the local offer, accessibility plans and the SEND Information Report.
Module Five: Implications and Expectations for Pupils with Autism
Module Five discusses the Autism-specific expectations set out in the SEN code and what the implications are for pupils with autism in your classroom and gives achievable suggestions for what this might look like on a day-to-day basis in the classroom.
Study time: 20 mins

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