Learner Wellbeing

   1 CPD points
 5 modules
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Welcome to this Awareness of Learner Wellbeing course. The aim of this course is to introduce you to learner wellbeing in schools. Throughout the course, we will explore the definition of learner wellbeing underpinned by theories and research about mindset. In addition, we will look at situations that can make learners feel anxious in schools and what you can do as part of your practice to support them, focusing on boosting resilience and making healthy choices. 

The course is separated into five modules of learning:

Module One: What is Learner Wellbeing?
In module one we will explore what teachers can do to support learners to feel well in their minds. This will be completed from a non-clinical perspective and will involve a review of how learners may feel, versus how they may function. This module will also introduce some of the associated research and theories related to learner well-being.

Module Two: Mindset
In module two we will outline how thinking can determine behaviours, focussing especially on the impact of fixed and growth mindsets and The Theory of Self. The impact of Assessment for Learning (AfL) on mindset and learner wellbeing will also be discussed. 

Module Three: Anxious Moments
In module three we will explore some of the common factors experienced in a young person’s life that may lead them to experience feelings of anxiety, paying particular attention to negative feelings around tests or examinations. This will be bolstered by a consideration of how beliefs, emotions and behaviours can come into play during testing times. 

Module Four: Self-regulation
In module four we will look at techniques that teachers and schools can use to teach and embed positive behaviours to encourage self-regulation. This will be underpinned by a consideration of how metacognitive strategies can support young people to take responsibility and make sensible decisions regarding their own attitudes and feelings. 

Module Five: Getting 'Match Fit'
Finally, in module five, we will cover some crucial factors to ensure that students are able to perform at their personal best for assessments and learning in general. Throughout this, we will cover the role that nutrition, physical activity, sleep and good routines play in supporting good learner well-being. 

Study time: 90 mins