Effective Behaviour Management in the Classroom

   1 CPD points
  3 modules
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This course is separated into three modules of learning:

Module One: Core principles of effective behaviour management
In this module, we will be looking at the core principles of effective behaviour management and why they matter. We will secure our understanding of what effective behaviour management looks like and create a strong foundation to build upon. We will explore the role of high expectations within this and explore some of the practical things that teachers and teaching assistants can do to prevent poor behaviour.

Module Two: Creating a positive culture and climate in the classroom
In this module, we will explore what culture and climate look like in an effective classroom, the importance of relationship and how teachers can use their tone of voice alongside non-verbal cues to manage behaviour successfully.

Module Three: Approaches to dealing with behaviour
In this module, you will work through a range of practical approaches to managing behaviour and develop your knowledge and skills. You will also have the chance to explore a framework to help you have positive conversations about behaviour with learners.

Study time: 60 mins