Effective Behaviour Management and Remote Learning

   1 CPD points
 3 modules
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This session aims to support you with behaviour management in a remote setting. It will support teachers and teaching assistants who are working with young people in a remote or virtual context. By the end of this session, you will understand the core principles of effective behaviour management in a remote context and have a practical toolkit of strategies to use with learners. 

This course is separated into three modules of learning:

Module One: Foundations for Behaviour Management in Remote Learning
In this module, we will be looking at the core principles of effective behaviour management in a remote learning context. 

Module Two: Relationships and Responses to Support Behaviour Management
In this module, we will explore how to use this and build some clear routines with your learners, using verbal and visual cues to make expectations visible. 

Module Three: Strategies to Manage Behaviour in Remote Learning
This module is practical and will help you to develop a range of teaching and learning strategies to manage behaviour in a remote context. You will look at how to get lessons off to a quick start and learn how to give clear explanations. Also, you will consider how you can make time for your friend and increase the precision of your instructions to improve behaviour. 

Study time: 60 mins.