Child-on-Child Abuse

   1 CPD points
 5 modules
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The purpose of this course is to understand child-on-child abuse relating particularly to sexual violence and sexual harassment. There will be a focus on how to identify and tackle these challenging and traumatic issues in educational settings. 

This course is separated into five modules of learning:

Module One: Child-on-Child Abuse, Sexual Violence and Harassment Defined
In this module, we will clarify the exact definitions of child-on-child abuse, sexual violence and harassment, particularly in an educational setting working with young people. 

Module Two: Guidance Available for Educational Settings
In this module, we will look at the guidance available to educational settings, particularly within the UK. This can also be applied internationally, to support the management of child-on-child abuse in more detail. 

Module Three: Developing Policy and Processes in an Educational Setting
In this module, we provide practical advice on how to develop policies and processes in an educational setting to make sure that concerns of child-on-child abuse are prevented, managed and addressed. 

Module Four: Staff Training and the Importance of Education and Prevention
This module looks at the importance of staff training and how we should educate children and young people so that they understand how to recognise what is not acceptable in relationships with their peers.

Module Five: Support for the Victim and Alleged Perpetrator (Trauma-Informed Practice)
This module explores how best to support both parties when child-on-child abuse has occurred. It takes a trauma-informed approach.

Study time: 60 mins.